As a partner of the project, we cordially invite you to participate in a free workshop, during which you will gain the knowledge and materials needed to create your own film reportage entitled. “Professional Life of the City.” This is a unique opportunity to learn about the tasks of those involved in the implementation of the Tramway to Mistrzejowice project and get to know their natural working environment.

On the initiative of the Specialized Psychological and Pedagogical Counseling Center called “Krakow Career Center” and in cooperation with MPK and the Museum of Engineering and Technology in Krakow, we invite you to participate in the project entitled. “Professional Life of the City.” The purpose of the event is to cause participants to increase their knowledge of the city’s development and to induce reflection on the professions that are essential to ensure its continuous, uninterrupted functioning. In this year’s pilot edition of the project, we are focusing on issues related to urban transportation and communication.
To participate in the project, we invite pupils in the seventh grade of Krakow elementary schools – young people facing the choice of further education and career planning. We offer participation in free workshops, during which participants will gather knowledge and materials to prepare a film report entitled. “Professional Life of the City.” The three best reports will be awarded. The following criteria will be important in the evaluation:
- compliance with the theme (presentation of professions related to the development of the city, especially transportation and communication);
- inclusion of “socially relevant” issues, i.e. accessibility for people with disabilities, development;
- ingenuity, originality and overall artistic expression of the presentation of the topic.
In preparing the competition work, it will be necessary to use the knowledge gained during the thematic workshops.