Starting Thursday, October 5, further modifications will be implemented to the temporary traffic arrangements in connection with the construction of the tramway to Mistrzejowice. Road closures and lane restrictions will be in effect around the Polsad Roundabout area.
These adjustments are necessary due to the ongoing construction activities related to the Tram to Mistrzejowice and the planned reconstruction of underground infrastructure. A key component of these efforts involves the reconstruction of the rainwater drainage collector. This collector, with a diameter as large as 1400 mm (approximately the height of an average 9-10-year-old), plays a crucial role in safeguarding residents from the impacts of extreme weather events, including flooding and waterlogging.
Additionally, we will initiate the reconstruction of the sanitary sewer (600 mm in diameter) responsible for wastewater from the office and commercial complex and residential developments north of the Mateusz Iżycki Flyover, as well as the Orange and Netia telecommunications sewer.
As a result of these infrastructure works, residents will encounter lane restrictions and road closures.
Here’s a summary of the upcoming changes:
- On Młyńska Street, the right-turn lane onto Bora Komorowskiego Street will be deactivated. The current right-turn lane will serve both straight and right-turn purposes (toward Bora Komorowskiego Avenue).
- On Lublańska Street (when driving from 29 Listopada), the bus lane will be temporarily disabled. Public transport vehicles will share a common lane with other drivers (the middle lane on the Roundabout) for straight-ahead travel (toward Bora Komorowskiego Avenue) and left turns (Lublańska Street leading to the Barei Roundabout). This configuration will include a single lane at the exit of the Roundabout toward Bora Komorowskiego.
- Dedicated bus lanes will be established for public transport on Lublańska Street, from al. 29 Listopada to the Polsad Roundabout, on Lublańska Street from the stop near the Barei Roundabout to the Polsadu Roundabout, and on Bora Komorowskiego Avenue from the intersection with Dobrego Pasterza Street (in the direction of Polsad Roundabout).
These changes will remain in effect until further notice. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by these necessary adjustments.

An illustrative map of the designation of bus lanes:

Source: Gmina Miejska Kraków, Portal MSIP Obserwatorium (