Reconstruction of the Mistrzejowice tram terminus

We would like to remind you that from next Monday, June 24, the Mistrzejowice tram terminus will be closed.

Changes will be introduced in the operation of the KMK line:

  • line 9 will run along the temporarily changed route: Nowy Bieżanów P+R – … – Rondo Grzegórzeckie – Pokoju Avenue – Czyżyńskie Roundabout – … – Piastowskie Roundabout – Os. Piastów;
  • line 14 will run along the temporarily changed route: Bronowice – … – Mogilskie Roundabout – Mogilska Street – Jana Pawła II Avenue – Czyżyńskie Roundabout – … – Hippokratesa Roundabout;
  • line 16 will run along the temporarily changed route: Bardosa – … – Rondo Piastowskie – Os. Piastów.

After the completion of the shutdown of the tram track along Powstania Warszawskiego Avenue, it is assumed that line 14 will be directed to the Os. Piastów, and line 9 to the Rondo Hipokrates tram terminus.

Details related to the functioning of public transport are updated on the website of the Public Transport Authority in Krakow.

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Reconstruction of the heat pipeline at Ugorek Street

We would like to inform you that from next Tuesday, June 18 to Friday, June 21, there will be difficulties in the area of the intersection of Meissnera and Ugorek streets.

Due to the ongoing works on the reconstruction of the heat pipeline network and the need to go through the heat pipeline under the road, on Tuesday – Wednesday it will only be possible to enter Ugorek Street from Meissnera Street. Exit from Ugorek Street into Meissnera Street is recommended by a detour. Then, from Thursday to Friday, only the exit from Ugorek Street will be possible. Entrance to Ugorek Street from Meissnera Street is recommended by a detour. Manual traffic management will be introduced.

We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your cooperation.

Below is the exact location.

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Reconstruction of the power grid at 118c Dobrego Pasterza Street

We would like to inform you that from next Monday, June 17, works related to the reconstruction of the power grid near the transformer station will begin. Due to the works, the access road to the internal car park with a barrier and access to the car park at block 118c at Dobrego Pasterza Street will be temporarily out of use.

Work on this section will begin on Monday between 7:00 and 8:00 a.m. and will last 14 days. Please do not block the entrance for the duration of the works. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your cooperation.
Below is the exact location.

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Exclusion of 5 parking spaces at 118 Dobrego Pasterza Street

We would like to inform you that from next Monday, June 17, works related to the reconstruction of the power grid near the transformer station will begin.

Due to the works carried out at 118 Dobrego Pasterza Street, it is necessary to exclude five parking spaces from use.

Works on this section will start on Monday between 7:00 and 8:00 in the morning and will last 4 days.

Please do not park in designated places for the duration of the works.

We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your cooperation.

Below is the location of the excluded part of the car park.

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Summary of the work in May

The commencement of excavations in the area of the Mistrzejowice terminus and reinforcement works of the upper floor slab for the Polsadu Roundabout station – these are just some of the great advances in the construction of the Tram to Mistrzejowice. What was completed in May and how will the upcoming works be carried out? We tell the story.

On 9 and 23 May, a session of the Construction Council was held, attended by representatives of the Private Partner and Local Government Entities, including the Council of Districts III Prądnik Czerwony and XV Mistrzejowice, as well as interested residents.

On May 15, we conducted a workshop “Professional Life of the City – Transport and Communication”. Our construction office was visited by a group of young, energetic and curious participants who had the opportunity to meet our team and the professions that are necessary for the implementation of the Tram to Mistrzejowice. More

The progress of works carried out in May covered the farthest section of the 4.5-kilometre line of the Krakow Fast Tram (KSTIV). Excavations have begun in the area of the Mistrzejowice loop along Kazimierza Jancarza Street. In addition, work continued on the drainage and foundation of the track along Bohomolca Street.

As part of the reconstruction of Sudole Dominikańskie, over 300 meters of new canal have already been made.

The construction of diaphragm walls of the underground station Rondo Młyńskie was completed, the stage with the turnout chamber for the next stages of the KST and the W6 exit.

Working platforms for the northern tunnel section along Lublańska Street have been made. In addition, reinforcement works were carried out on the floor slab of the upper W1 exit for the Polsadu Roundabout station.

In addition, numerous reconstruction of underground networks took place. The greatest intensity of work in the area of Meissnera Street concerned the reconstruction of the gas, water supply and heating networks.

What in the near future?

Commencement of under-ceiling excavations for the Polsadu Roundabout station. At the beginning of June, the first excavations of excavated material from under the ceiling can be observed, which will open up the space the target tunnel.

At the end of June, the reconstruction of the Mistrzejowice tram terminus will begin, which involves its complete closure. The project involves changing the geometry of the loop. The completion of the works is planned for the beginning of September.

Preparations are underway for the implementation of temporary traffic organization stage 3 along Meissnera Street on the section from Chałupnika Street to Śliczna Street.

Archaeological supervision and excavation works will be continued in connection with the discovery of the relic of the barracks at Dobrego Pasterza Street, belonging to the former complex “Infanterie Barackenlager 100 p. p. – Barracks of the Grand Hetman of Lithuania Jan Karol Chodkiewicz”.

In addition, we are looking forward to the final gala of the project “Professional City Life – Transport and Communication”, where the participants of the workshops will present their film reportages.

We invite you to watch the recording!

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Night operation of the generator at Janickiego Street

We ask for your understanding of any inconveniences related to the night operation of the generator in the area of Janickiego Street. We would like to inform you that during the heating of heating pipes, an uninterrupted process of work is necessary. The technology requires the aforementioned continuity of work to ensure the highest quality of workmanship and safety of operation. Thanks to the use of pre-heating, it was possible to partially resign from compensation and reduce the occupancy of green areas.

We make every effort to ensure that the works run smoothly and according to schedule. If everything goes according to plan, the generator will work until tomorrow at the latest.

Thank you for your understanding and patience. We are convinced that the final effect in the form of a new tram line to Mistrzejowice will bring many benefits to our community.

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Underground tram stops – “Rondo Młyńskie” and “Rondo Polsadu”

Part of the new tram line to Mistrzejowice will run below ground level. On the route with a total length of over 1.2 km, passengers will find two underground stops – “Rondo Młyńskie” and “Rondo Polsadu”.

Going in the direction of Mistrzejowice, the tram will go underground just before the Młyńskie roundabout, it will cross it in a half-open trench, it will stop at the recessed “Rondo Młyńskie” stop, and before the Polsad roundabout it will enter a tunnel where the underground stop “Rondo Polsad” will be located. It will emerge to the surface before the Barei roundabout and continue towards Mistrzejowice on the surface.

Key figures:

  • The total length of the tunnel section will be 1230 m.
  • The largest difference in the level of the rail head in relation to the terrain will be approx. 12 m
  • The height in the tunnel, after deducting the space for the overhead contact line, will be 4.5 m.
  • The length of each underground platform will be 65 m.
  • The width of the underground platforms will be 4.5 m

The underground stops in the area of the Młyńskie roundabout and the Polsadu roundabout will be accessible by fixed and escalators, as well as elevators. In the underground spaces, platforms and places for getting on and off are planned, adapted for people with disabilities, including textured surface markings and tactile markings in the Braille language.

A visual information system in the form of suspended direction and information boards will be installed within all underground stops, enabling efficient movement of passengers in selected directions of travel.

In addition, the underground station at the Polsadu roundabout will be equipped with public toilets, including a separate toilet adapted to the needs of people with disabilities. A room for caregivers with children is also planned, equipped with a changing table and a feeding space.

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Summary of the XVI building council

On Thursday, May 23, the Construction Council took place with the participation of representatives of the Private Partner of Local Government entities and the social side. During the meeting, three key topics important for residents were discussed.

Parking restrictions on Janickiego Street

Since May 23, works related to the reconstruction of heating networks have been underway at Janickiego Street. Therefore, the possibility of parking along this street will be limited.

We ask residents to pay attention to the signs and fences that prevent parking.

The works will last for about two weeks.

Tram terminus Mistrzejowice

From June 24, the reconstruction of the Mistrzejowice tram terminus will begin, which involves its complete closure. The project involves changing the geometry of the loop.

The completion of the works is planned for the beginning of September.

Liquidation of bicycle paths

Currently, together with the Municipal Traffic Engineer, we are working on changing the layout of bicycle paths.

It is planned to transfer bicycle paths to roadways along the entire scope of the investment, where cyclists will move along with cars.

Transmisja z XVI Rady Budowy Tramwaju do Mistrzejowic dostępna jest w całości na kanale YouTube Zarządu Dróg Miasta Krakowa. 

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