Temporary traffic organization (stage 2.3) – design is ready, approval pending!

In connection with the ongoing construction of the tunnel for the Tram to Mistrzejowice, traffic changes will await drivers from the second half of February. The temporary traffic organization design (stage 2.3) has already been prepared and submitted to city services. Pending their evaluation and approval, we present the prepared documentation.

Before the changes can be implemented and take effect, the temporary traffic organization must still be approved by the Municipal Traffic Engineer (MIR) – after the design has been reviewed by city services, i.e. the Police, the Roads Authority of the City of Kraków and the Public Transportation Authority. The process is ongoing, but we are already providing Kraków residents with the first information on the anticipated changes. The design presented here may make it easier to understand future traffic changes:

  • On Lublańska Street, traffic between the Polsadu Roundabout and the Barei Roundabout will proceed on the western carriageway, with one lane for each direction.
  • The eastern carriageway of Lublańska street from the Polsadu Roundabout to the Barei Roundabout – will be TOTALLY EXCLUDED.
  • In addition, vehicle traffic from and to Bora-Komorowskiego Avenue will be redirected to the temporary intersection with Lublańska Street at the height of the exit from Promienistych Street.

Changes in traffic organization will be related to the continuation of slurry wall sinking.

At the same time, we would like to remind you – the design IS NOT yet final and is currently subject to the opinion of ZDMK, ZTP, MPK and the Police and the approval of the City Traffic Engineer. The presented changes are in the evaluation phase and may be subject to some modifications.  This briefing is published in connection with your requests that such materials, even in a non-final version, be published as early as possible. We will present the final COR plan (stage 2.3) 7 days in advance, through our website, social media, radio, press and information boards placed in the project area.

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Changes in the Polsadu Roundabout area

Responding to notifications and the needs of drivers, some modifications to the current temporary traffic organization will be introduced starting January 11. These changes will include a section of Lublańska Street and Bora-Komorowskiego Avenue.

On a part of Lublańska Street, driving from the Barei Roundabout towards the Polsadu Roundabout, two lanes will be designated: one for turning right and the other for going straight. Please pay special attention to pedestrians who will be crossing there.  

On Bora-Komorowskiego Avenue, at the approach to the Polsadu Roundabout, the lane for going straight will be slightly adjusted with appropriate markings.

In addition, in order to ensure the smooth progress of construction work, an additional exit will be designated near the Castorama store. It will be serving exclusively as access for construction vehicles and deliveries to the Castorama store. Pedestrian traffic will proceed unchanged, as before.

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We wish you a Merry Christmas

The “Tram to Mistrzejowice” team and Gülermak wish you a Merry Christmas! May they be full of love, joy and unforgettable moments with your loved ones, and may the coming year bring you much success!

In addition, we would like to inform you that from 23.12.2023 – 03.01.2024 our Information Center and hotline will be closed.

See you in the new year!

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The last 12 months – a wrap-up

The year 2023 was marked by many challenges on the construction of the Kraków Fast Tram to Mistrzejowice. Here’s the summary of the most significant events of the past year.

We started the new year with a positive event – on January 30 we signed a direct contract for the fourth stage of the Krakow Fast Tram extension. This marks the completion of several years of documentation and work on financing the largest transportation project in Poland.

On May 9, we received the Permit for Implementation of Road Investment (ZRID). Obtaining the ZRID was a milestone for us, paving the way to begin construction of the tram route. Read more: [link].

The construction of Fast Tram IV in Krakow was met with intense public reactions. As a result, we have made efforts to alleviate residents’ concerns. A series of consultation meetings were held, during which the opinions and comments of the local community were collected. In an effort to take into account the voice of residents, we have made modifications to the project, aimed at minimizing the negative impact of the investment on the surrounding environment and the comfort of residents’ daily lives. Since autumn, residents have also participated in construction councils (first once a month, then in biweekly cycles).

In June, we introduced Stage I of the temporary traffic organization, and from July we began preparatory work for the reconstruction of the infrastructure and construction of the streetcar line. We spent the entire summer on intensive site preparation, including demolition, cutting of trees colliding with the planned infrastructure and work on reconstruction of underground networks.

We began September with meetings with residents. Construction Councils, attended by the public, are an excellent opportunity to learn directly from representatives of the Private Partner and Local Government Entities about the ongoing investment.

At the beginning of autumn, preparations for the construction of the underground stop “Polsadu Roundabout” began. First of all, we focused on performing the necessary control digging and preparing the working platforms for the deepening machine. By the end of September, we also conducted visual inspections of buildings and apartments located in the zone of influence of the investment. Since July, we have managed to survey nearly 500 apartments.

In the first week of October, in the vicinity of the Mateusza Iżyckiego Flyover, we started the main part of the geotechnical work and began excavations exceeding 20 meters in depth, creating the slurry walls of the “Rondo Polsadu” underground station. You can find more about what slurry walls are: [link].

Since October 21, the residents of the northern part of Krakow have been subject to the 2nd stage of temporary traffic organization, related to the reconstruction of underground networks and construction of the tunnel. The closures and narrowing of road lanes, changes in priority relations or partial exclusions of pedestrian and bicycle routes include Lublańska and Młyńska Streets and Bora Komorowskiego Avenue. Meanwhile, as of November 18, additional closures and narrowing of roadway lanes have appeared on Meissnera Street and Młyńska Street. More: [link].

At the same time, the deepening machine “Lucjan” appeared on our construction site, which meant the return of slurry wall sinking and construction of the underground stop “Rondo Polsadu”. More: [link].

In the penultimate month of the year, we also visited kindergartens as part of the educational workshop “Little Champions – tram to Mistrzejowice”. Through play, we showed the youngest how the construction of the streetcar line looks like, and discussed safety issues applicable at the construction site. More: [link].

In December, we focused on the implementation of the “Polsadu Roundabout” station construction project. We also began work on the Młyńskie Roundabout, including the construction of working platforms for the “Młyńskie Roundabout” station, the construction of the turnout chamber station exits for the pre-metro – in terms of diaphragm walls, and the construction of the new Sudół Dominikański watercourse.

The past year is the time when we began essential work on the construction of the tram route to Mistrzejowice. In the coming 2024, the work will continue, and its effects will become even more visible. We will focus on the construction of the tunnel, which will run under the Młyńskie Roundabout and the Polsadu Roundabout, the reconstruction and construction of the Sudół Dominikański and underground infrastructure.

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Summary of November works

What does the site of our project look like after 5 months of work? What did we manage to do in November and what do we plan to do in December? Let’s sum it up.

Since November, Construction Councils with the participation of the public side have been held twice a month. During the third and fourth meetings, representatives of the Private Partner, Local Government Entities and residents focused mainly on topics related to the current traffic organization.

Stage 2.2 of the temporary traffic organization has been in effect since November 18. Additional closures and narrowing of roadway lanes have appeared on Meissnera Street and Młyńska Street. These changes are in effect with the traffic organization introduced on October 21. More information on both Stage 2 and Stage 2.2: [link], [link].

In the last week of the month, the “Lucjan” deepening machine entered the construction site. This means the return to slurry wall sinking and the construction of the “Polsadu Roundabout” underground stop.

Slurry walls are reinforced concrete structures that encase the tunnel, minimize the impact of the excavation on buildings in the vicinity of the structure and take the pressure of soil and groundwater. Read more [link]. 

On November 28, we visited one of Kraków’s kindergartens as part of the “Little Champions – tram to Mistrzejowice” workshops we conducted. 

“Little Champions – tramway to Mistrzejowic” is a free educational class during which young engineers, through play, gain knowledge about the technology of streetcar construction and various types of public transport. They also learn about safety rules on the construction site and in public transport. Read more: [link].

What works are planned for December?

In December, we will focus on the construction of the tunnel, specifically on the construction of the “Polsadu Roundabout” Station. We will also begin work on the Młyńskie Roundabout, including the construction of working platforms for the “Młyńskie Roundabout” Station, the construction of station exits and the turnout chamber for the pre-metro – in terms of slurry walls. 

The most challenging part of the investment is the section between the Młyńskie and Barei Roundabouts where the tram tunnel is built. In order to complete it, it is necessary to move the 400-meter underground section of the Sudół Dominikański watercourse, which currently runs in the lane separating the roadways of Młyńska Street between the Mlynskie Roundabout and Miechowity Street. In December, we will implement work on the construction of a new channel for the Sudół Dominikański watercourse.

Reconstruction of sanitary sewer, rainwater, water supply, telecommunications and power cables will also continue. 

Below is a short video documenting the fifth month of works:

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Information Center now open

The Information Center for the construction of the Tram to Mistrzejowice is now open. It is located near the intersection of Dobrego Pasterza and Strzelców Streets and is open on weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. You are welcome!

It is located directly in the vicinity of the construction site, almost halfway along the route of the tram route under construction. Its main purpose is to facilitate residents’ access to current information on the project.

Visitors to the site can obtain information on construction technology, work progress or traffic organization. They can also see the site development plan and current photos from the construction site. The center will also host more workshops for children.

Invariably, residents can contact it by email at: info@tramwajdomistrzejowic.pl and by phone: 722 22 00 88 (Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm).

The facility will operate until the completion of the investment.

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KST IV Information Center

The Information Center for the Kraków Fast Tram to Mistrzejowice starts on December 11. You will find it near the intersection of Dobrego Pasterza and Strzelców Streets.

The Information Center is located near the intersection of Dobrego Pasterza and Strzelców Streets. This is the immediate vicinity of our site office. The pavilion, adapted for people with disabilities, has a reception desk and a conference room for a group of about 30 people. The building, with an area of almost 100 sqm, is equipped with modern audiovisual and conference equipment and has air conditioning. On site, residents can obtain key information on construction technology, work schedule, project progress, temporary traffic organization and investment financing.

At the Information Center, free classes for children “Little Champions – Tram to Mistrzejowice” will also be conducted. During the workshop, young engineers, through play, will gain knowledge about streetcar construction technology, different types of public transport. They will also learn about safety rules on the construction site and in public transport. The classes will be diversified with art and movement tasks, group exercises, as well as multimedia presentations.

Feel free to drop by or contact us by email at info@tramwajdomistrzejowic.pl or by phone at 722 22 00 88. We are open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

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Tunnel construction work has started

We have resumed work on the construction of the “Polsadu Roundabout” underground stop. More specifically – we have returned to the stage of slurry wall deepening. A new deepening machine named “Lucjan” has entered the construction site.  

Once the site preparation for the tunnel is completed, the process of slurry wall sinking begins. Slurry walls are reinforced concrete structures made in narrow slots in the ground, serving as the structural casing of the tunnel. These walls not only minimize the impact of the excavation on the surrounding area, but also take the pressure of the soil and groundwater. The excavation will extend more than 20 meters into the ground.

The design of the diaphragm walls makes it possible to effectively transfer significant loads, which affects the stability of the entire structure. This acts not only as a technical safeguard, but also as an element that minimizes disturbance in the vicinity of the structure. 

During the construction of diaphragm walls, it is necessary to perform them continuously, which includes night work. An uninterrupted concreting process is crucial to achieving optimal results. The method of work used does not leave the possibility of interrupting concreting, and the occurrence of such an interruption can result in serious and permanent defects in the structure and make it impossible to ensure high quality work. However, we want to ensure that the most onerous work – that is, slurry wall sinking is performed during the day.

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Temporary traffic difficulties

This Wednesday, November 29, drivers will face difficulties at the Polsadu Roundabout. The temporary lane closures will be related to the sinking of steel cofferdams.

Plunging steel cofferdams is the process of sinking long, characteristically curved sheets into the ground, forming vertical retaining walls. The bulkheads are driven into the ground using specialized equipment, known as hydraulic vibratory hammers, and then joined together to form a stable barrier. This technique is used to stabilize land, protect water banks and create retaining walls in construction.

For the duration of the works, temporary obstructions and temporary traffic stoppages will occur between Miechowity Street and the entrance to the Polsadu Roundabout from the west .

The obstructions will begin at 7:00 am and will last until 4:00 pm

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Little champions – tramway to Mistrzejowice

We are launching a series of workshops for the youngest residents of Kraków. “Little champions – tramway to Mistrzejowice” are free educational classes in educational institutions. They will soon also be held in our information center. We will launch this year’s edition in late November and early December.

At Gülermak, we love working with children. In Kraków, we have already organized 38 workshops for nearly 650 children.

During the workshops, young engineers will gain knowledge about tram construction technology, different types of public transportation through play. They will also learn about safety rules on construction sites and in public transportation. The classes will be varied with art and movement tasks, group exercises, as well as multimedia presentations.

What can they learn:

Safety rules on construction sites;

Personal protective equipment, such as helmet, footwear, jacket, vest, noise-canceling headphones, safety glasses;

The work of those building the tramway – who is the architect, surveyor, constructor, site engineer, environmental engineer, safety inspector, foreman, machine operator, and why people other than workers are not allowed to enter the construction site; 

Tracks, rails, and construction machinery – what an excavator, slurry wall digger, crane, concrete mixer, dump truck, bulldozer looks like.

We are accepting registrations for classes. Groups can sign up by sending an application to: malimistrzowie@gulermak.pl. The workshop will be held at the educational institution of the registering group.

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