Summary of work in February

This is the eighth month of work on the construction of the tram line to Mistrzejowice. What is the progress so far and what awaits us in March? We bring you the answers.

Due to the ongoing construction of the tunnel, a temporary traffic organization (COR stage 2.3) was introduced on February 24. There were closures and narrowing of roadways. On Lublańska Street, traffic between the Polsad traffic circle and the Barei traffic circle will only travel on the western roadway, where one lane for each direction has been designated. In addition, there is a temporary intersection with Lublańska Street at the level of the exit from Promienistych Street, where vehicle traffic from and to Bora-Komorowskiego Avenue is redirected. More.

Intensive work on the rebuilding of the Dominican Sudol continued throughout the month. By the end of the month we had installed 87 prefabricated elements, which give a total length of as much as 174m of new channel. More.

Three sessions of the Construction Council were held this month (January 1, 15 and 29), attended by representatives of the Private Partner and Local Government Entities, including the Councils of Districts III Prądnik Czerwony and XV Mistrzejowice, and interested residents.   

At the end of February, a meeting was held with residents regarding plantings in the Lublańska Street area. Together with representatives of the Board of Urban Greenery in Krakow, we discussed the details in terms of species of trees and shrubs, their exposure and optimization of the layout that meets the needs of residents.

What will happen in March?

In the middle of the month, it is planned to implement temporary traffic organization stage 2.4. The changes will apply to Mlynska Street and move the current switch to the north. In addition, the intersection of Miechowity Street and Mlynska Street will be excluded, and access will be via a detour through Stanislaw ze Skalbmierza Street.

We are beginning preparations and leveling of the ground for the performance of reinforced concrete work on the “Polsad Roundabout” station, and we will weld the heads of the carboys, i.e. the target pillars supporting the station floor. In March, we will also begin the sinking of diaphragm walls at the “Rondo Młyńskie” station and the KST turnout chamber. This will be the start of construction work at this stage of tunneling works. In addition, the work will also include the construction of platforms at the Mlynski traffic circle, under the flyover along Bora Komorowskiego Street and the excavation for their construction on Lublanska Street.

We will continue work related to the Dominican River Sudo, which includes, among other things, the further installation of prefabricated elements and the gutting of the western section of Mlynska Street. 

As in previous months, the reconstruction of numerous underground networks will continue.

Below is a video documenting the eighth month of work:

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Obstructions to pedestrian traffic on Meissner Street

As of Monday, March 4, pedestrians on a section of Meissner Street will face difficulties. Traffic will be redirected from the sidewalk located on the west side to the east sidewalk. The difficulties will last a week. 

Due to preparatory work related to the reconstruction of underground networks, as of Monday, March 4, the sidewalk on Meissnera Street between the pedestrian crossing by the Wieczysta Krakow Sports Club stadium and the pedestrian crossing on Chałupnika Street will be closed. 

The obstructions will last for a week, until Monday, March 11.

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The world’s longest tram line

The tram is undoubtedly one of the most comfortable and popular means of transport. Where on the map can we find the place where we can savour such a journey for the longest time? It turns out that we don’t have to look far.

Kusttram-the world’s longest tram line-is located in Belgium. It is an intercity tram system that connects Adinkerke to Knokke-Heist railway station, running through Nieuwpoort, Ostend and Zeebrugge. The record-breaking line is 67 km long and consists of 67 stops. The journey time on the low-floor tram is 2 hours 30 minutes.

An added bonus of this route is the picturesque views. The Custtram runs along the Belgian coastline and tram passengers can see the North Sea from the windows of the carriages right next to the track. Due to its location, the line is commonly referred to as the ‘beach tram’ or ‘coastal tram’. During the peak summer season, the depots carry up to 3 million passengers a day.

The line is hugely popular and an extension is envisaged as part of the Neptune plan. The extension would reach Dunkirk in France and Breskens in the Netherlands. The narrow-gauge route has been in existence for 139 years. It has been continuously modernised, with the most recent section opened in 1998.

What is the longest tramway line in Poland?

Today, the longest tram line can be found in Warsaw. It is a tram with the number 10, which runs for 24.5 km, stops at 54 stops and has a journey time of 82 minutes.

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History of trams in Kraków

Trams not only serve as a convenient and environmentally friendly means of public transport. For the people of Krakow, they are an important part of the city’s culture and history. Almost 123 years have passed since the first run of Krakow’s electric tram, but the origins of public transport go back a little further.

How did it all begin?

The year 1875 is considered the beginning of public transport in Krakow, when the first regular horse-drawn omnibus line was launched. Its route started from under the Main Railway Station and ended at Podgórski Bridge in the Kazimierz district.

The history of the trams themselves begins in November 1881, when the City Council of Krakow, under an agreement concluded with the Belgian Bank, granted permission for the “installation and maintenance of an iron railway called the tramway”. A year later, the first ceremonial run of the narrow-gauge horse-drawn tramway took place, and proceeds from ticket sales were donated to the construction of the Adam Mickiewicz monument.

The first tram crew ran along the route from the railway station to Mostowa Street in Kazimierz, where a tram depot was built. The carriages came in winter and summer versions and were divided into two classes: I and II. By1900, the horse-drawn tramway carried over 1.5 million passengers in Krakow.


Electric trams appeared somewhat later. The commissioning of the first narrow-gauge tram line with a fleet of 17 electric carriages from the Wagon and Machine Factory in Sanok took place in 1901, and the ceremonial opening was performed by the city mayor Józef Friedlein. The success of electrification meant that from 1902 trams in Krakow were already running on 4 lines.

The following years also brought many important changes. As a result of the First World War, a large number of men were mobilised for the front and around 180,000 people left the city. The perceived shortage of workers meant that women also became tram drivers from 1916 onwards. The reconstruction of the tramway infrastructure actively started after the end of the war. First, the tram cars and tracks were repaired. Subsequently, the tram traffic system was changed from left-hand to right-hand traffic, and by 1925 there were already six tram lines in operation.

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Changes in traffic organization on Lublańska Street

Drivers in the northern part of Krakow are facing further temporary changes to traffic organisation. In connection with the ongoing construction of the tram line tunnel to Mistrzejowice, from 24 February closures and narrowing of the carriageway will appear on Lublańska street.

What will change? 

  • On Lublańska street traffic between the Polsad roundabout and the Bareja roundabout will use the western carriageway, which will have one traffic lane for each direction.
  • The eastern carriageway of Lublańska street from the Polsad roundabout to the Barei roundabout will be completely closed to traffic. 
  • Vehicular traffic from and to Bora-Komorowskiego Avenue will be redirected to the temporary intersection with Lublańska Street at the level of the exit from Promienistych Street,
  • The bus stop Olsza II 02 at Lublańska Street will be moved approx. 30 m to the north.

Temporary traffic organisation south of Miechowity Street will remain unchanged (stage 2.2): [link].

Temporary traffic organisation stage 2.2

The new traffic organisation will be introduced on 24 February, starting at 5.00am.  

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Replanting of trees as part of the construction of KST IV

With the completion of tree replanting for the construction of the tram line to Mistrzejowice, it is worth taking a closer look at the process. Here is a brief overview of how the trees were replanted. 

When to report trees?

The best time to replant trees is when they are dormant, i.e. early spring or late autumn and winter, when the temperature outside is positive and the soil is not frozen. During these seasons, trees are dormant, their growth and metabolic activity are limited.

What kind of trees are replanted? 

Due to their greater adaptability, mainly young trees are transplanted. They usually have smaller roots and are less complicated to transport, making the process less stressful for them.

Old trees, due to their extensive root system and longer life span, may prove less resistant to transplanting and are less likely to adapt to their new environment.

According to estimates, the limiting age that gives a prognosis for the adaptation of a transplanted tree is 20-25 years. For older trees, their chances of survival fall below 30 percent.

Replanting trees step by step

  • Assess the health of the tree, its age, size and root characteristics.
  • Reducing the crown – this will allow the plant to focus on re-rooting rather than feeding the shoots and leaves with nutrients.
  • Delineating and digging a trench at the selected target location.
  • Using a transplanting machine to precisely dig up the tree with an eye to minimizing root damage. After digging out the tree with the soil stock, the root ball is secured with a jute bag.
  • Transporting the tree and placing it in the hole dug earlier.
  • Stabilizing the trunk with stakes – this will prevent the tree from falling over.
  • Regular monitoring of the tree’s condition.

As a Private Partner, we replanted 42 trees (their location is marked in red on the map). The remaining 41* trees were replanted by the Urban Greenery Board (3 trees are in the process of replanting). 

*Updated on 25.04.2024: “The Board of Urban Greenery of Krakow informs that to date, 41 pieces of trees have been replanted by the local unit from the KST stage IV investment area. We would like to mention that, in accordance with the arrangements, it is planned to replant another 3 pieces of trees growing at the intersection of Jana Pawła II Avenue, Mogilska Street and Meissnera Street in the autumn of 2024 or spring of 2025.” – explains Katarzyna Chochół.

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BIM technology

The construction of a tunnel as part of the emerging tram line to Mistrzejowice is one of the biggest engineering challenges of the project.  One of the key aspects is the use of BIM technology. What does it involve? We explain.

Building Information Modelling (BIM) is an advanced method of creating, managing and analysing building project information that contains highly detailed data and covers a wide range of processes. BIM brings together all relevant project information resources (technical, geometric, cost, other) to provide a comprehensive platform.

What it means, or say it “not in engineering terms

BIM is a technology used in the construction industry to help create, manage and analyse information about buildings or infrastructure in a digital and 3D way. Imagine a building is like a jigsaw puzzle, but instead of using cardboard pieces, we use virtual elements that can be moved, rotated and adjusted in any way.

In BIM, each element of a building is modelled in 3D. At the same time, each of these objects has data associated with it, such as materials, dimensions, technical properties or cost information. It is as if we added to each element with a description of what it relates to what it can be used for.

This technology enables collaboration between the various professionals involved in the construction process, such as architects, engineers, plant designers or builders. With BIM, they can work on one common model, which facilitates communication and eliminates errors due to inconsistencies between different documents or drawings.

In addition, BIM allows different scenarios to be simulated and the impact of changes on the entire project to be analysed, helping to make better decisions at each stage of construction. In other words, with BIM we can plan, design and build better, leading to more efficient construction projects.

In PPP projects, the partner is responsible for comprehensive implementation from design to construction to maintenance for a specified number of years. In this case, there is a need for effective communication and data flow between many stakeholders such as the client, designers, administration, operators, managers of individual infrastructure elements, contractors, internal departments of the company, supervision inspectors, subcontractors. 

With access to extensive data, teams from different trades can work on a project simultaneously, seeing changes in real time. BIM technology improves the efficiency of the construction process by reducing the risk of errors and clashes, optimising costs and speeding up project delivery. In the context of the construction of the Tram to Mistrzejowice, the implementation of BIM has become essential to achieve a high level of safety and to run the project to the highest quality standards.

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10.5/11, or how we are changing the KST IV design

During today’s seventh construction council, involving the residents, issues were raised about how to implement the project in the Lublańska Street area. In August last year, the Mayor of Kraków declared that changes postulated by residents would be made to the KSTIV design, within the framework of the ZRID decision. Today, after the Private Partner has presented the results of financial, formal and technical analyses, we can confirm that 10 of the 11 changes will be introduced into the design.

For 10 of the proposed changes, there is a possibility that they will be made, without affecting the completion date of the task. In the case of the correction on Lublańska Street, from Polsadu Roundabout to Barei Roundabout, on the west side, there is no such possibility. After consultations with the institutions responsible for supervising the investment, the decision was made to implement it in accordance with the ZRID decision issued.

The cost of the works in this area was estimated at PLN 6 million. In addition, the city would have to cover the cost of financing the loan associated with the extension of the project: at about PLN 10 million per month. Taking into account the time needed for corrections to the documentation, re-agreements and the procedure for the decision itself, the designer estimated the time to obtain the decision at about 6 months. This means an increase in the cost of the project by PLN 50-60 million.

On the other hand, adjustments will be made to the width of lanes and the type of replacement plantings. The space obtained by narrowing the inner lanes to a width of 3 meters will be used for greenery development on the outside. The standards of designed plantings will be raised – the circumference of trees will be 20-24 cm, or more, if possible. Species that do well in urban conditions will be used. In addition, the designer’s proposal allows to make tree plantings in two planes, which will result in the balance of greenery will not change and its quality will increase significantly. A reserve will be left to allow the introduction of noise barriers if necessary.

Once again, we assure you that, together with the Private Partner, we are making every effort to respond to the expectations of residents that we are aware of. We encourage you to contact us through the information center and hotline. We will do our best to answer your questions.

On YouTube, you will find transcripts of the construction councils, with detailed explanations by the people in charge of the investment on the adjustments made, the scope of the investment and the current progress of the work.

tel. 722 22 00 88 (Monday–Friday, 08.00 – 16.00)


VII Rada Budowy tramwaju do Mistrzejowic, KST4 w dn. 18.01.2024, Dzielnica III i Dzielnica

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Summary of works in December

The sixth month of work on the construction of the tram route to Mistrzejowice is behind us.  In December, we continued the construction of the “Polsadu Roundabout” station and the new channel of the Sudół Dominikański watercourse. What else kept us busy?

In December, exceptionally due to the holiday period, we held only one Construction Council with the participation of the public. At the meeting, residents were able to learn about the changes in the Lublańska Street design and talk to representatives of the Private Partner and Local Government Entities about issues of interest to them. 

On December 11, we opened the Information Center. Kraków residents can obtain information on, among other things, construction technology, the progress of works or traffic organization. It is located near the intersection of Dobrego Pasterza and Strzelców streets and is open on weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Feel free to drop by! More.

On December 12, we met with representatives of the City of Kraków to present the current progress of our works. We discussed various aspects of the project, in particular the reconstruction of the multi-kilometer underground infrastructure.

Throughout the month, our work focused on the construction of the tunnel for the tram route to Mistrzejowice; particularly on the construction of the “Polsadu Roundabout” station and the new channel of the Sudół Dominikański.

We have also started work on the Młyńskie Roundabout, including construction: 

  • execution of preliminary excavations and working platforms for the construction of the diaphragm walls of the “Rondo Młyńskie” station and the turnout chamber of the next stage of KST, 
  • working platforms for the construction of station exits,
  • relocation of utility networks colliding with the construction of the tunnel structure.

What’s in store for January? 

Starting January 11, some modifications will be made to the current temporary traffic organization. These changes will include a section of Lublańska Street and Bora-Komorowskiego Avenue. More.

In January, our deep-worker, known as “Lucjan”, will continue work related to the sinking of diaphragm walls for the “Rondo Polsadu” station. We will also carry out work related to the construction of working platforms for the “Młyńskie Roundabout” station and the construction of the new channel of the Sudół Dominikański.

As in previous months, the reconstruction of numerous underground networks will continue.

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What is a temporary traffic organization? Let’s explain.

The construction of a tram route, new roads, underground networks, pedestrian and bicycle routes in the middle of a city is a huge challenge. In order to efficiently manage traffic while the work is being carried out, temporary traffic organization is necessary.

What is a temporary traffic organization? Let’s explain.

The construction of a tram route, new roads, underground networks, pedestrian and bicycle routes in the middle of a city is a huge challenge. In order to efficiently manage traffic while the work is being carried out, temporary traffic organization is necessary.

When is a temporary traffic organization introduced?

Temporary traffic organization is introduced in connection with the need to carry out construction work that interferes with the road lane. When creating it, consideration is given, among other things, to the order in which the work is carried out, its compliance with the plans of the owners of underground networks (gas, water, heat or energy), the technology of work used and the safety of traffic participants.

Work on large urban infrastructure projects requires staging to ensure the proper sequence of reconstruction of individual infrastructure elements while maintaining possible traffic flow on streets and minimizing obstructions. It is worth noting that the various stages of changes are planned before construction begins, but are subject to ongoing adjustments issued by the City Traffic Engineer, even while they are in effect.

Who is the Municipal Traffic Engineer?

The temporary traffic organization is approved by the Municipal Traffic Engineer (MIR) after the design has been approved by the Police, the Cracow City Roads Authority and the Public Transport Authority. The Engineer analyzes the received documents not only for compliance with the current law, but also from the perspective of the needs of Kraków residents. This poses a challenge, as it requires balancing and planning the organization of traffic so that repairs and investments can be carried out while minimizing inconvenience to residents. In order to improve safety or streamline traffic, the City Traffic Engineer can make changes to the temporary traffic organization already in place on the ground.

How is this done?

Temporary traffic organization is always a kind of compromise that tries to find a balance between the different needs and expectations of traffic participants. Everyone travels in different ways – by car, on foot or by bicycle, others use public transportation.

Temporary traffic organization designers try to take these diverse needs into account to minimize disruption. However, due to limited resources – mainly space constraints – temporary traffic organizations will always cause inconvenience to all traffic participants when such large investments are made.

Temporary traffic organization plays a key role in ensuring safety during construction work. This is not only a matter for the Contractor’s employees, but also a concern for traffic participants – drivers, pedestrians and cyclists. Seemingly small changes, such as narrowings or speed limits, serve an important function. Even if there is no direct work at the site, these regulations are essential in minimizing the risk of accidents and maintaining safe distances between vehicles.

General principles of traffic organization during construction

  • Residents will be informed 7 days in advance about changes in traffic organization. Information will be available, among other things, on our website, social media, on the radio, in the press and on information boards hung around the city.
  • We plan to have a minimum of 10 major phases of temporary traffic organization, but each will be divided into sub-stages involving relatively minor modifications
  • Almost throughout the entire construction period, traffic obstructions will occur in the area of the tunnel section, i.e. at the Polsadu Roundabout, on Młyńska and Lublańska Streets; on the remaining sections, restrictions will occur temporarily at various stages of construction.
  • Individual designs of temporary traffic organization will be consulted and agreed each time with various institutions, including the police, the Municipal Traffic Engineer, the road manager or the organizer of public transport.
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