The process of re-arrangements regarding limited traffic in Meissnera Street has started. As a result, the number of noise walls along the project will be lower and the space created can be designated for greenery.
– The current street will be narrowed. Thanks to it, there will be less asphalt, more greenery and fewer noise walls – explains the designer, Krzysztof Markowicz from Arcadis, the company responsible for the design of the tram route to Mistrzejowice. More information about the changes to the immediate vicinity of the tram route to Mistrzejowice can be read here.
Tramway to Mistrzejowice meets the expectations of the residents
Implementation of the initiated changes requires not only additional design works but also arrangements with a number of institutions, among others owners of buried services (e.g. water lines, fiber-optical cables) or the City of Kraków’s Municipal Traffic Engineer. The process of arrangements is already underway. Soon, we will know how they will affect the project schedule.
– The designing stage will last a little bit longer but thanks to it, the new tram route will even better meet the expectations of the residents – says Michał Pyclik, spokesman for the Kraków Municipal Road Authority.